Friday, March 23, 2018

5 Tips to Finding a Great Support System in College

As a college student, being on the path to recovery can be very challenging. You will need a lot of support once you go back to school. This is one of the most effective ways to ensure that you stay on the right track.

The right support system can also play a major role in your academic success. Sure, you will need a lot of determination and motivation to meet your academic goals. But your college career will be more successful if you have enough of the right support when you need it the most.

So, how do you go about getting the right people in your corner? Here are 5 tips to finding a great support system in college:

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1. Join the Right Support Groups

Many times, we will be motivated by our relationships and other social influences. Thats why its much easier to go to the gym or stick to a diet if you have a friend that holds you accountable. Otherwise, you might find yourself making excuses for bad behavior.

Support groups work in much the same way. Apart from holding you accountable, they also provide a safe space for you to share the difficulties of your sobriety journey. Recovering from alcohol and substance use can be very hard on your own. However, a good support group like that at WA Drug Rehab will be there to give you guidance and support when you need it.

2. Reach Out to Friends and Family

Your family should always be your first line of support. Even if they are miles away from your college, you could always call, email, or text them regularly. Not only will this give you a chance to vent about any difficulties that you are facing, but it will also help you feel loved and cared for.

Your friends are also another great resource. If theres anything that you feel you cannot discuss with your family, your friends will always be a great sounding board. You can get involved in on-campus activities to make new friends within your college.

3. Find a Mentor

One of the most important things you can do during your college career is to find a mentor. Making a connection with faculty members or any other professional staff can give you the motivation you need to go after higher goals. They can also offer you academic and professional guidance that you will find invaluable. And when the time comes to find a job or go to grad school, your mentor can help you make the right connections and write letters of recommendation.

When looking for a mentor, its vital to seek someone who has expertise in your field of study. It also helps if they are willing to help and guide you. If your mentor believes in you and can offer guidance that will help you achieve your goals, they can help keep you motivated and on the right path.

4. Make Use of College Support

Most colleges already have student support systems and staff that are available whenever you need them. This could include anything from student advisors to counselors and tutors. The best part of these resources is that the people who run them have a vested interest in your wellness and success. Check out the support systems that are available in your college and the find the best way to get in touch with them.

5. Communicate Your Needs

While all these resources are usually at the tip of your hand, they won’t do you any good if you don’t communicate your needs. It’s important to reach out to those around you early and often. That way, you will be able to get – or be directed to – the help that you need.

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