For the first since Matt turned one, the two of us will be left at home alone. His yaya have to go home to fix something very important.
Left with no choice, I have to take an emergency leave and be the yaya of the dayJ. The truth is, I really wanted to be a stay-at-home mom but we could not afford yet. I have to work and help my husband to be able to pay our housing loan and to give all the best to our only son. Maybe after 6-7 years I can be a SAHM and have my own business – an online business, a bakeshop, or a small restaurant. This is what is nice in dreaming, it’s free so why not dream?
Back to being the
yaya... We woke up at 6:30am. I like this more because I don’t have to wake up as early as 5:00am. Dad cooked the breakfast - oatmeal and toasted garlic bread plus banana and a glass of non-fat milk (based on his diet plan:
Eat more food, loose more weight). My son loves oatmeal and banana. He ate two garlic bread and a bowl of oatmeal and half of the banana.
Around 7:30am when Dad left the house. When Dad’s car was already out of his sight, Matt said, "ala na daddy, ala na". We went inside the house. Matt closed the door, and immediately grab the TV remote control and passed it on me. That means he wants to watch his favorite kiddie videos. I have saved several child-friendly videos in a USB and connected it to our DVD player.
I left him at the living room watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I fasten him in his high chair so he will not walk around and/or climb the furniture and the stair. In this way also, I can do the house chores. Once in awhile, I look at him just to make sure he is still there and safe. Good thing when he is already bored and wanted to get off the chair, I’m done with dishes. Whew!
I accompany him while watching the remaining videos. Then, he said, "mommy u u." That's it, he just pooped and its bath time already. I told him to just sit there and wait until I finished arranging his bath needs. My son loves taking a bath so it's an easy task for me, except for frequent wading of water that makes me wet too (can't take bath yet, lot of things to do pa). Of course, i did not forget to make his
tea bath
After bathing, I thought he will take a nap but I'm wrong. He kept on walking around while watching. Here are the evidences of my little cute malikot boy:
Tired of walking he went back to me and ask for a milk. My, milk again? He just had one before he took a bath. So, I told him later and look at him here
He is begging for milk, so I give him a garlic bread.
He ate it but still he wants milk :( So I gave him a yakult. He drink it fast in a glimpse :)
But still he really wants a bottle of milk, so I surrender and give him one hoping he will take a nap.
We lay a foam on the floor because our sofas are at our balcony. I need to expose them to sunlight to remove the unwanted odor. Just when I thought, he will take a nap so I can finish other house chores but here he is with recharged energy.
It's 10:30 in the morning already and since he will not sleep when the TV is still on, I decided to turn it off and went to his room. After 30 minutes of laughing and singing on the bed, my little man finally took a much awaited nap.
Because he slept for almost two hours, I have finished washing his clothes and cloth diaper and inserts. When he woke up, we had our lunch - rice and ampalaya con carne cooked by his Dad.
We had a full meal so we decided to went out at our balcony. The weather was as hot as summer already. We watched the elementary students went back to their school. There's a school near our house, just 3 houses away from us.
We had
kulitan moments here
Then, time again for his afternoon nap. At around 2 we went back to his room. His energy was still high and he kept on laughing and singing, which I really do not understand but made me smile. I told him that if he take a nap, we will go to the clubhouse. As if he understands, he said "kabhaus, apon". Maybe what he meant is go to clubhouse later afternoon (
hapon). After an hour, he finally take again a nap and this is my chance to take a bath too. I took my shortest bath time I ever could and went back to his room.
After two hours, he woke up with a very sweet smile and as expected he was fully recharged.
His Dad arrived at 5:00pm and as promised we went outside. But on our way to the clubhouse, the rain poured so we have to immediately go back home. The rain is not that heavy and it stop soon. We try to go out again and watch the young girls playing in front of our house. Matt imitates them by jumping and laughing. I see an innocent child, our happiness.
Before dinner, Matt and Dad (who is cooking) had
kulitan moment too.
Matt kept on yelling "Daddy" while Dad was tickling him all over.
After dinner, time to brush and Matt voluntarily hold his toothbrush.
Before we sleep, my son's energy was still high so he made some scribbles.
Time is really fast especially when you are spending it with your dearest one. My yaya mode is over and I'm back to reality. How I wish I'm beside my son 24/7. But of course, being a working mom does not makes me a lesser mother. This is because, wherever mom is, she is a mother by heart and always 24/7 on duty.