Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Our 6th Wedding + The Search for a New Stroller

Hello everyone! How's your holiday? We had a super long weekend. Unfortunately, we didn't got a chance to go far away from home because of one, fear of the heavy traffic and two, I needed to get a good rest because I already felt my whole body aching. Thank God, I feel better now.

Sunday was our 6th wedding anniversary our 11th year of relationship. Yes, we are lucky to get married on the same day of our anniversary :)

Since, we already heard about the heavy traffic at NLEX and exits. We just content ourselves on spending the entire day at home. After hearing a mass, we went to the nearest grocery to buy some stuff needed for our anniversary dinner (just at home). Luckily, the booth selling cars was open. Just imagine how excited our little car addict was. He couldn't decide what to pick and buy until he finally chose 3 small cars at 30 pesos each. They were cheap but those cars are durable and so cute. I actually regret not taking photos of these cars.
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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Super Long Weekend + Our Anniversary

How's your week going guys? I hope everything is just light and easy. I have been missing in action for more than a week not only because of work, but because of typhoon Glenda and the total lost of internet connection.

Since after typhoon Glenda, we lost our internet connection at work and ours at home is so slow. It was just yesterday that the internet connection here at our office was fixed. It was terrible without the internet connection at work. I was forced to load up our Smart Bro stick but it was so so so slow. I can't even attach a doc file and it was stressful receiving follow ups of reports. Anyway, it was over and hopefully we will not lose the internet connection EVER again.

By the way, last week I was talking about Eid'l Fitr (Feast of Ramadhan) on July 29 and wishing that July 28 is a holiday too. Just this morning I have learned that the Bulacan government declared July 28 as provincial holiday for INC Centennial. So now, I am looking forward to a super long weekend.
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Monday, July 14, 2014

Happy Monday + Eid'l Fitr 2014 Holiday

Hello everyone! How's the first day of the work week so far? I am doing just right except that I still feel tired after our balikan trip to Nueva Ecija yesterday. The weather was scorching heat but I enjoyed every second being with my two boys. We spent our Sunday almost on the road, by the way.

Anyway, I have no choice but be back to work even without enough rest. And if you are a corporate slave like me, I am so sure you are looking forward to holidays. Me, I am waiting for August because it has 2 nationwide holidays plus we have 2 provincial holidays. Hurray!

But wait, if you think there's no holiday to look forward this July, there's one. Malacañang just released the Proclamation No. 826. Declaring Tuesday, 29 July 2014, as a regular holiday throughout the country in observance of Eid'l Fitr (Feast of Ramadhan).
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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Our Little Boy's School Update

You may already saw our little boy in his school uniform but I'll share another photo of him anyway.

It's his 3rd week in school and he's doing better and better. Let me show his works.

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Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday Inspiration: 20 Signs You’re Succeeding In Life

Most of the times we think that if we attain our goals, if we are richer than most people we know, if we have a great job, if we are famous and so one, that's only the time we can consider our self successful. That's what I also believe in, until I read about this 20 Signs You’re Succeeding In Life Even If You Don’t Feel You Are.

Allow me to share this to you as well and it might create a great impact on the way you think about success.

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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Stress Free Retirement, I Want!

Last week I got a chance to talk to one of our colleagues at work. On our way to our meeting at our head office, we talked about having extra income aside from our current full time work. He told me that Daddy Allan already told him that we are into online shop business and I said yes but it's not yet in full bloom.

He then said why not can we exert full effort on the business because not all are blessed with this opportunity. I got his point but I still have my full time work and as mush as possible I don't want to mix business with work. But I will admit that sometimes I am guilty of using my idle time at work doing some business. 

Also, I feel that in order to fully operate my own business I must give up my work. I believe I cannot serve two Gods at the same time. I need to choose, and besides we still have less than 4 years to pay for our house amortization.

Maybe he don't get my point. I just want an assurance that we can pay our house for the next 3 years, then after that I can decide whether to quit my work or still work until our ideal retirement age of 40. Yes, I want to retire at 40 and focus on our business. But still thinking of immediately resigning after we pay the house or when we have enough emergency funds. 
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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Photostory: Our School Boy in Complete Uniform

Where does time goes? Look at our boy in complete school uniform...

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