Sunday, March 31, 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Daily Inspiration: "I am the resurrection and the life."
Friday, March 29, 2013
Daily Inspiration: For God so Loved the World
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Daily Inspiration: Spiritual Directory Assistance
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Daily Inspiration: Don't be troubled nor be afraid
Good morning!
It's the last day of work for this week. Many are already travelling back to their province or on their way to their vacation destination.
Here's our Daily Inspiration for today.
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Source: Bible Verses via Pinterest |
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Health is Wealth: Herbal Mouthwash
Remember the Moringa O2 Herbal Toner?
Well, I just found another herbal but its a herbal mouth wash.
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Pepsodent Herbal Breeze Mouthwash |
Daily Inspiration: I AM YOUR GOD
Hello guys!
I am still here, it is just that I am a little busy since it's just one day to go and it's a long weekend vacation. But let us not forget the true meaning of the Lenten Season. It's all about Jesus who sacrificed His life to save our sins.
Here's our Daily Inspiration for today.
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Source: Faith Quote via Pinterest |
Monday, March 25, 2013
Winner of Bloggers' Treat and $300+ Paypal Cash Giveaway is...
Daily Inspiration: Better to be kind than right
Good morning! It's Holy week already but we still have 3 more days left to work. Time to reflect and pray.
Let's have our Daily Inspiration for today.
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Source: Quotes via Pinterest |
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Daily Inspiration: One dollar and Eleven cents
Good morning everyone.
It's Palm Sunday. Let me share this beautiful short story about the strong faith of a little girl.
A little girl went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar
from its hiding place in the closet. She poured the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Three times, even. The total had to be exactly perfect. No chance here for mistakes.
It's Palm Sunday. Let me share this beautiful short story about the strong faith of a little girl.
A little girl went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar
from its hiding place in the closet. She poured the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Three times, even. The total had to be exactly perfect. No chance here for mistakes.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
I Love Sundays: Basketball Sunday
My "I Love Sundays" series is temporarily stop since I am too busy to take photos during Sundays. But last Sunday, it's late I know =), I got a chance to take lots of photos. So be ready because it will be a photo bomb!
We usually start the day with a breakfast, but Daddy told me he will clean his car first. Scarlet badly needed a wash already. Upon hearing that, Matt hurriedly followed his Dad.
Daily Inspiration: Never lose Faith in God
Hello guys!
The work week is finally over! Whew! I just had a stressful day yesterday. I don't know if it's because of the work, the MTO deadlines or my "period". Maybe is the combination of all. Haha. I still have a little hang over from it though I will a lot better than yesterday.
I need positive energy so here's our Faith Inspiration for today.
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Source: Faith Quotes via Pinterest |
Friday, March 22, 2013
Daily Inspiration: HE will bring you through it
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Discover, Create, Imagine & Explore at Baby Blast Year 4
Summer is the best time for family bonding since the kids are on vacation and the weather is almost always perfectly fine.
If you want a total family fun that is FREE then you might want to join this year's Baby Blast Event. This is actually their fourth year and I feel so lucky to be invited by them.
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Discover, Create, Imagine & Explore at Baby Blast Year 4 |
Daily Inspiration: Faith makes things possible
Hello guys!
Since Lenten Season is here, I will share with you quotes about Faith, Hopes and God. Let's try to reflect everyday and open our hearts to God.
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Source: Faith Quotes via Tumblr |
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Photostory: Daddy Allan's Happy Birthday!
Yesterday was Daddy Allan's birthday. I wrote about it here. I actually have a surprise for him there but he failed to read it yesterday. So I told him that the deal is expired and over. Haha.
A birthday is never complete without a simple celebration so as usual I cooked my famous spaghetti, and Daddy's chicken wings + gravy and cheese stick, yes he still cooked on his big day. He also made watermelon shake.
Daily Inspiration: When you have come to the edge, have faith...
Hello guys!
How's the week so far? Maybe most of you, especially those who are working, are already cramming to finish the task for the week. Because next week we will have a long vacation. We have no plan to go out of town because I need to finish or at least start a new project. And of course take a rest from work and most importantly reflect. What we are planning is to have bisita iglesia to the Churches near our home. I hope we can do this because every year we fail doing this. All we can visit are one or two Churches.
Okay, let's have our Daily Inspiration for today. Since it's Lenten Season, here'a a quote about faith.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Photostory: Happy Birthday Daddy!
Today is Daddy Allan's Birthday!
How could I ever forget this day? Today is also a year after our son had his burn accident. That day made me realize how playful life is. Even if it was already a year, the horrible memories still haunts me. Our little boy who is not even two years old already tasted so much pain. If only I could took his place that time, I will.
But there are so many things to thank about. It was still fortunate that the wounds are not deep though the doctor said it was a second degree burn. The burn wounds heal so fast and Matt didn't have to confine. Above all, he is safe and that his eyes are spared. If you can also see the burn on his face, it was so near to his right eyes. God is really good.
Daily Inspiration: Be joyful, patient and faithful
Good morning everyone!
I'm back. I didn't have time to blog yesterday because we were out. We took a leave to do some errands but still it was half-way done. Anyway, the best thing about yesterday was we have spent some time with my family. Happy lang talaga.
Today is actually a special day and I will tell you about it later. Here's our Daily Inspiration for today.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Daily Inspiration: God will never fail you
This will just be a short post...
God is always good. Remember that...
He will never fail us no matter how many times we have failed Him. So trust and have faith on him.
Have a Blessed Sunday!
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Source: Pinterest |
He will never fail us no matter how many times we have failed Him. So trust and have faith on him.
Have a Blessed Sunday!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Photostory: AIP Online Surveys Philippines
I thought AIP Online Surveys Philippines is just a scam because I just got tired up and fed up with their reasons why I haven't received by Sudexo GC redemption. I redeemed my EPoints for 2 250-Sudexo GC last May and October 2012. Tagal no?
Then when I got home from work a week ago, I have seen a letter from AIP containing these GCs.
The two 250 Sudexo GCs are for Daddy and only one was sent to me. So they still owe me one 250 Sudexo GC.
If you want to answer surveys and earn EPoints convertible to Sudexo GCs just send your name and email address here:
It is still better late than never =)
Daily Inspiration: The Most Beautiful
Yey Saturday! Done with the MTOs for this week. We'll shipped them later. Whew!
Here's our Daily Inspiration for today.
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Source: Pinterest |
Happy Saturday!
Friday, March 15, 2013
Bloggers' Treat and $300+ Paypal Cash Giveaway
Guys, here's cool giveaway to start the Summer month!
Welcome to Bloggers' Treat and $300+ Paypal Cash Giveaway!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Daily Inspiration: A Parent's Prayer
Here's a Parent's Prayer I want to share with you, even if you are not yet one.
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A Parent's Prayer via Facebook |
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Photostory: Our quality time together
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
How much An Hour of Learning costs?
As a mother, I want only the best for my son. My husband and I are working very hard, with business sidelines, just to make sure our son will have a brighter future.
Education is one of the most important things that a parent can give to their children. It is something no one can take away from them. I want my son to finish any degree he wants to pursue. I want him to follow what he loves to do. Anyway, sooner, it will be his life and we are just here to support him all the way.
But education is no way cheaper nowadays. We will surely have a long way ahead for our 32-month old son. So much as the cost is the types of education we can give them.
In the fast-phase age now with modern technology, everything is almost possible. E-learning programs that are being developed my modern learning companies like LeanForward, are becoming popular now.
Daily Inspiration: Be better than the person you were yesterday
Good morning everyone! How's your Monday? They say it's Tuesday is more terrible than Monday so we'll see. Hehe.
Here's our Daily Inspiration for today.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Daily Inspiration: Challenge
Good morning everyone! I know you are busy at home now. It's either you are starting to clean the house, wash the clothes, or you are cooking for breakfast. Mommy lang ang peg natin pag Linggo no?
This is just a quick post so here's our daily Inspiration for today.
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Source: Quotes on Things Challenging from The Uncustomary Book Review |
Saturday, March 9, 2013
The First Xpert Workshop: A Beautiful Journey For Expecting Parents
My pregnancy with my son went really fine. No dizziness, no vomiting or morning sickness what so ever. It was just an easy journey for me. Thanks to all the available sources at the web.
Given a chance and time to attend workshops, I would love to attend such. Information from the experts are always helpful to us and meeting them in person would be more exciting, right?
And what about a workshop about pregnancy and photography? Oh yes there is and it's for free! So if you are an expecting mom or dad, or even if you are not but you are interested to know more about pregnancy journey, then you might what to attend the Xpert Workshop's A Beautiful Journey for Expecting Parents.
Daily Inspiration: A Morning is a Wonderful Blessing
Good morning! Thank God it's Saturday! I know you love weekends as much as I do. Anyway, gotta go to work still and hope to go home earlier. And because it's Saturday, we have to go to the market to buy vegetables, meat, fish, fruits and other needs for our weekly menu. So that tomorrow, we can just stay at home after the mass.
Let's move to our Daily Inspiration.
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Friday, March 8, 2013
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Disinfect + Moisturize with Rhea Isopropyl Alcohol
Ever since we had Matt, I am so praning with disinfection. My worst nightmare is when we run out of alcohol. See, we are working in a laboratory inside a feedmill plant so I make I wash and disinfect my hands before holding Matt.
Not only when we arrived from work but after cooking, washing the dishes or toughing one thing from another, I'll put alcohol first before holding Matt again. Praning nga di ba? Lol
So frequent applying and disinfecting with alcohol dries my hands. You know naman how precious my hands are for me. When its too dry, it's difficult to hold a hook and yarn. It will slip and of course that will be a downtime for me.
Good thing, there are available alcohol with moisturizer. And in case you don't know yet, Rhea Isopropyl has moisturizer already and they have a new look. I know you are familiar with the green sexy bottle before.
Daily Inspiration: Reasons I Love Being A Mom
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Photostory: Our Handsome Model
I must have a baby girl soon. Or Matt will turn into a girl soon. Lol.
Look at our handsome model...
She looks like a girl. Lol.
That's my gir... err... boy!
P.S.: You can get the free pattern of the Poinsettia headband at Crafts by Momaye
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Photostory: He loves to help
Matt really loves to help us. He would always follow us around and gladly say "Ako na, si Mamatt na." (I will, Matt will do it)
He will even scratch my back when he saw or heard me saying my back is itchy. He will happily massage his Daddy's head when Daddy say "Sakit ng ulo ni Daddy." (Daddy's head is aching) I also post a photo of him massaging Nanay's hands.
Last night, he was running after his Tita. I heard him saying "tutulungan kita Tita ha." (I'll help you Tita). I followed him to his Tita's room, and saw him doing this.
Daily Inspiration: You Are Allowed
Good morning everyone! I feel so
refresh now. I have slept for more than 8 hours and this is the first time
since we started to make crochet MTOs. Thanks to my little son. I am making him
fall asleep first so he will not be puyat too, but I am the
one who first fell as asleep, hehe. So now, I feel brand new. #exaggeratedlang
let's move to our Daily Inspiration today.
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Source: 22 Motivational Picture Quotes To Unleash Your Full Potential |
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Daily Inspiration: Responsibility for Your Life
Daily Inspiration: If you truly want success, never give up
Friday, March 1, 2013
Electrolux HUSH Happier at Home
Oh I am always telling you how I love Sundays. This is our family day so I make sure we spend the quality time together.
One Sunday, I start the day by cleaning our room while my son is still sleeping.
I carefully wipe the dusts and sweep the floor but I think it's not enough so I get Daddy's vacuum cleaner. I turn it on, and oh my! Its loud sound wake up my son and he cries out loud. I forgot that he is afraid of loud sounds.
Then I remember what I have read in Topaz Mommy. If only I have read it before Daddy bought his vacuum cleaner then I would have not disturb my sleeping baby.
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Daily Inspiration: It's Worth Watching
Hello guys! It's March already. Aside from being the Fire Prevention month, it's also Women's Month right? Just a few minutes ago, I heard the siren of the municipal fire trucks. Looks like they are having a parade. Hehe. And according to PAGASA, summer will official start on the second week of March but it's super hot na di ba?
Since it's Friday, it's my reporting day and I will be busy all day for sure. So let's have our Daily Inspiration for today.
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