Saturday, October 29, 2011

What We Should Know About Toddler’s Diarrhea

I was supposed to post an entry about my son’s previous sickness due to hot weather as we have thought. But for some reason I do not have the time to post it.

My son experienced runny watery stool a week ago. Even if he is still super makulit and active, worries do not leave me. This is especially when he was having 3-5 watery stools a day and because of this he had developed nappy diaper rashes.  I was really not at ease and keep on searching on what is causing it. I noticed he have some teeth erupting. Although he is experiencing loose stool every time he had teeth it was not this watery.

Then I remember when he was 6 months he also had this problem plus vomiting. It happened when we brought him in the province and we travelled during really hot weather. His pediatician prescribed Erceflora, which contains 2 billions of probiotic microorganisms. So we bought it and mixed with his milk. After a day his runny stool frequency was reduced and after 2 days it is completely gone. I was relieved, and so I believe this hot weather was really the cause.

Unfortunately, it came back after 6 days. He had watery stools but it isn’t as frequent as before. So as always a worried mom, I am thinking of so many things like infections, lactose intolerance etc. Then I came across this site about Toddler's Diarrhea. These are some of the important details:

The parents of a 14 month old boy bring their son to your office with a 2 month history of 2-6 loose, non-foul smelling watery stools per day. At times there is undigested food in the bowel movement. The parents have gone through multiple diet changes and now the boy is only eating a low fat, no dairy products, lots of fruit juices, and minimal protein diet. He has had an extensive workup including negative stool cultures for bacteria and viruses, negative stool for ova and parasites, and no neutrophiles or blood in the stool. How would you approach this problem?

Toddler diarrhea is a common pediatric condition. In infants it is referred to as chronic diarrhea of infancy and in older children as irritable bowel syndrome. Common clinical characteristics include:

  1. Age between 6-30 months. Most are better by 4 years of age
  2. 2-6 watery stools per day. There can be periods of days without stools. Many stools contain undigested material and may drip down the child's leg from the diaper.
  3. Normal weight, height, and head circumference growth curves without falling off
  4. No evidence of infection
  5. Stools are hematest negative
  6. The child looks well and there is no evidence of malnutrition and no history of abdominal pain
  7. Growth may be compromised if the diet manipulations that have been tried to control the diarrhea have not been enough calories. 
  8. There is often a history of colic, gastroesophogeal reflux, and family history of irritable bowel syndrome. 
I was partially relieved when I read this. My son had 2-3 watery stool yesterday, he still active and eats well. I just noticed he is drinking a lot of fluids because of the humid hot weather now. I cannot give him antidiarrheal medicine because that might worsen his condition. So I browse further for the treatment and the following are recommended:

  1. Increase fat in the diet
  2. Decrease fluid in the diet
  3. Avoid fructose and sorbitol- decrease fruit juices
  4. Increase dietary fiber
  5. Normal diet for age
  6. Reassurance- this is difficult because parents have been to many physicians and are convinced that their child has a serious illness. It is important after making your recommendations to follow-up soon to reassure again and watch weight and height gains.
  7. There is no role for medications.
  8. The parents should be told that there is no serious sequelea and this is not a precursor to inflammatory bowel disease, chronic diarrhea as adults, or cancer
  9. Most children are better by 4 years of age, and are better by the time they become potty trained.
  10. The APA has recently (Dec 2010) investigated the use of probiotics and prebiotics in the treatment of gastrointestinal ailments in children. They preliminary, good data shows that taking probiotics can limit the duration of infectious diarrhea in children by up to 40 hours, and reduce the occurrences of diarrhea in children exposed to enteric viral infection (rota) and started on antibiotics. In healthy children, the use of probiotics and prebiotics have been found to be completely safe thus making their use worth a try.
Others recommend the BRAT diet (Banana, Rice, Applesauce, unbuttered Toast). For the increase in fat, we can give him whole-fat dairy, avocados, nuts and a little olive oil in his food. To add dietary fiber, we can also give him fresh fruit, and vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals and beans. Juice drinks as well as energy drinks (like Gatorade) must be avoided because of its high sugar content; instead we can give him clear drinks like water, electrolytes (like Pedialyte) and white grape juice.

There are tons of information in the web but we must not always rely on it and always look for the true symptoms in our children. Self medication is not highly recommended as well.

While this diagnosis can help us, we must observe our kids too for symptoms like any blood or pus in the stool, foul odour and greasy/oily stool, any weight loss and unhealthy appearance. In such case, we must ask for further investigation.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011


This is an entry in MomCenter Philippines' October 2011 Fan Page Contest: Me and  My Bestfriend.

The very first time we have learned that we are going to have a baby, my husband was so happy. Adding up to his excitement and happiness was when he learned we will have a baby boy. Nine months have passed and Matthew Andrei finally came out to this world. From the first time they hold their hands to this very day, the two boys in my life are always together. May it be, playtime, eating time, sleeping time… They are both “makulit”. I know my son will have his very best friend in the person of my best friend also, his Daddy Allan

So proud of my two boys...
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Christmas is just around the corner!

In every picture there is a story... And this one means a lot to me. My Husband with my Son putting up the Christmas Tree for the first time.

Oh, I wish its Christmas already, so i can see how will my Son celebrate his Christmas, though its not his first (it's his second, last year he was just 6 months).

Atleast now, he can understand something and hopefully he will feel the essence of gift giving and most especially the birth of Jesus Christ, whom he innocently called "Jisa".
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dealing with Our Toddlers' Tantrums

One of my fears is closely coming. And it is how to discipline my little toddler. Yes, he is just a 16-month old toddler who cannot control his emotions.
My Husband and I were driving home after a busy work and we have discussed how our little boy is behaving these past days. We thought it is just that he is copying his playmate’s tantrums. But as the day goes by, he is becoming more of a monster every time he wants something he cannot get ASAP. I told my Husband, I really miss our little boy when he is just an infant who just sleep, smile, eat and make cutie actions. He is indeed a happy baby. He never gave us sleepless nights. But now, everything goes upside down and uncontrollable.
I know a lot of Mom out there is dealing with the same problem. And for a working Mom like me, who is out for 12 hours or more, this is much difficult to handle. Because of the stress in our work, we seldom lose our temper as well, which adds more to our frustrations.
Toddler temper tantrum is very common between the ages of one and three. We must accept that our previously loving and gentle toddler will have to undergo change of personality. He will try not to follow and accept our rules but insist his own, which in turn results to losing his temper.

In dealing with toddler temper tantrums, we must decide which is important. It will always be a battle of wills if we have our own way in everything our toddler disagrees with. The best way is to make fewer rules that our toddler more likely to adhere with and to make him realize that those rules are important.

When we already know what is important, we must stand by it and make it consistent. We must not give in.

Toddler will throw tantrums to try to get what they want and most of the time they will succeed. They will cry to annoy us and everyone around us when you do not give something he wants. Then if you give in just to make him stop, he will do it again to get it. So, if their tantrums never yield the results they want, they will soon realize that it is not effective and will give up.

The following are a number of things you can do when your child is in the middle of a tantrum, without having to give in:

Ignore him.

Our toddlers throw tantrums to attract our attention and if we donn’t give him that, he will lose interest and stop the tantrums. But we must assure that he is in a safe place where he will not bumped into something and hurt his self.

Send him to bed or to his room.

This gives both of you a cooling down period. As parents, we are the ones who can control emotions better so we should not lose our tempers as well.

Distract him.

Start to play with a new toy, get your child a drink, and go outside for a walk. Do all we can to make his attention out of what he is crying at.

Lastly, communication between us and our children is more important. Whenever my son is out of his control, I’ll make him look into my eyes then I will speak softly to him. It is always like hypnotism to him, he will then follow me. A gentle touch also will help soothes him.

We must always remember that tantrums are part of a child’s development and we cannot avoid them completely. We, as parents have gone to phase like this as well. Shower him with love and just the attention they need. For the love that we are giving our child will definitely help him go through this roller coaster phase of their lives.

There is no manual for a good parenting, though. It is innate and a continuous learning process.


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Saturday, October 8, 2011


I have been a working mom for a year now. It is not easy doing two jobs at the same time. But I am actually doing it!
This is my typical schedule as a Working Mom:
4:50AM – Prepare for bath, dress up for work
5:20AM – Cook breakfast, prepares meals for my 15-month old toddler
5:50AM – Eat breakfast with my husband and my toddler (he is an early bird as well)
6:20AM -  Time to go to work (bye bye time! My little son’s face is always sad whenever we leave him.)
7AM-5PM – Work time
5PM – Going home (yey!)
5:45PM – Home (hugs and kisses from my little son)
6:00PM – Dinner cooking time (thanks to my husband, he is a good cook!)
7:00PM – Dinner time! (this usually takes more time now. My little son’s attention is everywhere iand chasing it is very hard. Sometimes I had lost my appetite before I can eatL)
8:00PM – Wash time (change costume for my son. His yaya sometimes have to chase him to change his diaper and put his pyjamas on)
8:30PM – Sleeping time. But my little is unstoppable! He will explore everything inside our bedroom as if it is his first encounter. He will open all the cabinets, stand and wave in front of the mirror, talk to barney and pooh, disarrange his ABC flash cards looking for the O – orange card, disassemble his blocks, throw his bolster pillows, and inspec my cellphones! After these struggles, when he felt the tireness and sleepiness, which is sometimes he is resisting, he will lay in my arms, hug me and ask me to sing his favourite lullaby.
9:00PM – Mom’s rest. It is like finding silence after a day of battle!
Worst days are when your child is sick. You cannot do anything and could not concentrate in your work because you are thinking about your child’s condition and calling almost every hour to check on him.
Moms do not have day off and have to work on Sundays and Holidays as well. Instead of taking a rest from work, she will clean the house, do the laundry and be a yaya to her child.
I am being paid by being a Chemist. I am not paid by being a Mom. Which is more difficult? I must admit, being a mom is more difficult. You have to be on duty 24 hours, you have no rest day and have to work 7 days a week!
But this is the most rewarding work on earth and serving your family is the noblest job anyone can have.
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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A letter to TATAY

Dear Tay,

Today, it has been 6 years... 6 years without you.

I will never understand why we have to lose you in such an early time. You could have seen my little son and I know for sure you will be proud of him, just like how proud you are of me. Many are saying you look like him, he got your chinito eyes.

Yeah, you may not be the best provider, father or husband in the world, but you are my one and only father. No one will ever replace you in our lives.

Please always look after my little son. He may not see you as he grow, but for sure he will always feel your presence in our lives. Guide us still, Nay, my brothers and sisters, and all of us who are still on earth. 

During these 6 years without you, there are ups and downs. I am still fighting because of you. Promise I will take good care of Nanay. She will never grow old alone, for i am here. Please whisper to God our messages, wishes and hopes. And in case we lose directions, help us find our way home.

I know yesterday you are with us. Please help us be safe. Can you be in my dreams tonight?

Missed you a lot...


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During our Prayer Meeting, I was asked to share something. I kept on thinking what to share that might inspire those who will hear it. I really can’t think about it so I browse my Bible.  I came across this verse that made me think that life is never hard with God…

ISAIAH 54:17 – “No Weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and the righteousness is of Me, said the Lord.”

So many times when we are facing hardships in life, we turn to the Lord. In this difficult times, that we remember the Lord the most. Because the Lord is our salvation and He will not allow anyone to hurt us.

No weapon that is thrown towards us shall prosper that includes health problems, gossips, sarcastic comments, criminal actions, financial woes, judgment against us, personal relationship issues and any other type of trouble. Not with the Lord on your side.

When someone stubs you at your back, this is an indication that he/she is at your back and you are ahead of him/her. When someone pulls you down, this is an indication that he/she is below you. But what we should remember is that whenever someone stubs us at our back, God is there standing in front of us and He will not let us fall down. And when someone is trying to pull us down, remember that God is above us. He will lend His hand for us to hold them tight.

God will never let us down… God is Good All theTime!
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

JOHNSON’s My Kid’s Growing Up So Fast Contest

Oh, how time flies!

Our little baby is now a certified Toddler!

He loves to eat one day...

then refused to eat the same food the next day.

He requires a lot of clean laundry, and tidying-up after

He likes lots of attention...

contants amusement and stimulation
after all he is like a sponge during these years
and it is important to nourish his mind as well as his body!

He is changing before my eyes but his skin is still like a baby's.
We still need the gentle care of JOHSON's Baby Milk Bath,
with Vitamins A & E and 100% more milk protein
to nourish developing skin.

His innocence and wonder inspires us to do better
with the abundance of love to share with all:

He is unconditional in giving,
and delightful in receiving that love;
along with showering hugs, kisses and smiles to those around him

a true joy and blessing to treasure!

Yes he is growing fast, faster than i can imagine.
I would not trade it for anything in this world.
Being with him everyday is like heaven.
Better than stress tablets sold in the market,
a better pain reliever.

He is our toddler - the explorer!


Hey Mommies, now is your chance to win a gift pack from Johnsons.

Here’s how:

1. First,  LIKE Johnson's Baby World of Firsts on Facebook (only followers of the Johnson's Baby World of First Facebook page are qualified to win).

2. Please leave a comment here and make your own caption for my entry (first photo). One caption per reader only.
Note:Don’t forget to include your Name and Email Address to your entry.

I will be judging your captions based on the following criteria:

- Creativity and Uniqueness (50%)
- Relevance to the entry (50%)

Start to leave your comment on October 8 until October 21, 2011 only.

So what do you think? What the best words to describe my little explorer?Keep posted and good luck to all!

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My Precious Little ONE

A year ago, we welcome Matthew Andrei

A baby of our own.

Nervously and sleepily,

We took him to our home.

We figured out the nursing.

This goes how?

 and where?

We were told there would be crying...

And how to show we care.

His first month.

His second month.

His third month.

His fourth month. 

His fifth month.

His sixth month.

His seventh month.

His eighth month.

His ninth month.

His tenth month.

 His eleventh month.

A year has gone so quickly...


Yet we have learned so much.
We've felt a love so strongly
in a baby's gentle touch


His laughs and smiles.
His pouts and tears.

Oh! He can get so mad!

But we wouldn't trade a minute...

As a thankful Mom and Dad! 

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