On the news the other night was another violent demolition at Agham Road in Quezon City. The problem in urban poor and illegal settlers have been ages now. It's been ages but no best solution have ever been formulated. I wonder why? What went wrong? What's lacking our Government? What Philippines don't have right now?
Those are the questions that are running in my mind whenever I am watching such violent scene. It's like history repeats itself and it's a recurring problem. How can we ever end poverty? This push me to write about #GLOBEProjectWonderful2014.
“If there is one thing you can give to the Philippines, what is that gift?”
Financial help will never be enough. Come to think of it. Local governments always give financial helps that the settlers will accept. They will then be moved to the relocation areas where they will have their own homes. But after sometime, they will go back to the city and choose to be an illegal settler again. Why? Because again financial help is not enough.