Thursday, May 23, 2019

Daddy A's 38th Birthday Celebration at Work and Home

Two months ago Daddy A had his advance birthday celebration at Max's Restaurant. On his birthday, we celebrated his birthday again at work and at our home.

We had air-fried spicy chicken wings

air-fried, chicken wings

Daddy baked creamy lasagna.

lasagna, recipe

He also made crema de fruta.

crema de fruta recipe, dessert

And tiramisu.
tiramisu recipe, dessert

Our colleagues bought a cake from Goldilocks.

Goldilocks, birthday cake, chocolate cake

At home, we also celebrate his birthday with the same food that we prepared early that morning.

I just made vegetable salad.

vegetable salad with egg

We made Daddy A made blow the candle on his birthday cake. Matthew sang for him since we were just three at home.

I hope we gave Daddy A a blast on his birthday. 

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