Sunday, February 18, 2018

My New Bento Lunch Box + Food Portion Containers

Hello there!

If you are following me at Instagram (@mommymaye), you will know I am a big fun of bento making. Making bento baon for my son makes me feel happy and fulfilled. It's a way of making for the time I can't be with him. When I can't be with him during his snack and lunch breaks. 

Because of that, I have this little addiction to bento lunch box, tools and accessories. (Read: My Bento Tools from Shopee and Daiso and  Yumbox and Stainless Steel Lunch Box). 

Then last week, I saw a very nice lunch box. I contacted the supplier as soon as I saw it and wasted no time to order one and two for my kumare.

bento, bento lunch box, bento accessories, food portion containers, bento tools

Look so nice right? This bento lunch box is available in two colors. This is the green one, which I bought for my little boy.

bento, bento lunch box, bento accessories, food portion containers, bento tools

And this pink box that my kumare ordered.

bento, bento lunch box, bento accessories, food portion containers, bento tools

This lunch box is claimed to be leaked proof. I have yet to try this new bento lunch box. Super excited na ako actually.

bento, bento lunch box, bento accessories, food portion containers, bento tools

I also bought this food portion container set at Japan Home Center at 88 pesos only. Almost half the price of the one being sold online.

bento, bento lunch box, bento accessories, food portion containers, bento tools

Kaya naman super excited na ako sa bukas to try this bento lunch box. By the way, if you want this bento lunch box too, please send me a personal message at our Momaye's Shoppe FB page. If okay sya and really leaked proof, I will resell it.

That's all for now and let's spread #bentolove!

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