The life of a Mommy Blogger does not only revolve inside the house. Some of them are full-time working Moms or corporate Moms who take care of the family while working and blogging. Some of them are business women who find blogging a reason for them to have a little time out from what they usually do, or make blogging an outlet to share their everyday stories of struggles, failures and successes.
It is not easy to be a Mommy Blogger because of the time and dedication it requires, but every piece of writing they finish is rewarding and it gives them a feeling of satisfaction and pride.
Let me tell you an inspiring story of a Mommy blogger. May this somehow enlighten you of the hardships their going through, yet they won't give up on their dreams and their love for writing.
This Mom used to be a mom who loves to join contests and giveaways online. It feels so good when you are winning something right? That you don't have to pay for it to have it. Whenever she would win something – big or small - she will blog about it - her experiences, her winnings and how she feels about having things that she didn't have to buy. That was how she started to be a Mommy blogger.
It was almost 12 years since she started to write and share contents related to giveaways. One day, she won a 1-year domain name registration and web hosting. She grabbed that opportunity to upgrade her blog. After the setup, she slowly added more niches in her contents. She started to blog about motherhood and product reviews. The additional contents of the blog allowed her to enjoy writing even more. Her new blog allowed her to connect with brands for product reviews and fellow bloggers worldwide through a blog meme-like weekly sharing of motherhood related contents, food recipes, and more. It even opened up a new door for her in becoming a Mom influencer in their area.
One day, a super typhoon hit and devastated their town where not only precious lives were lost but also her website because she was not able to update and renew her domain and hosting subscription. However, her love and passion for writing didn’t stop. She continued writing and sharing content through the local newsprint where she was working. She wrote contents related to the recovery and completion of community sub-projects funded by the government and she shared how local and less fortunate individuals worked hand in hand, as community volunteers to rebuild the infrastructures such as the community health centers damaged by the super typhoon.
Year after the devastation, she slowly get back to blogging. This time, with a vision of helping others and inspiring more Moms like her. It gives her heaven whenever she blogs knowing that her content will reach out to fellow moms out there and will give a message of hope and strength to her viewers.
Mommy bloggers like her should be given a lot of credit. Most Mommy bloggers are doing a job that takes hard work, guts, wit, and a whole lot of other things that others don't have.
The people in the blogging and influencer marketing industry who are working so hard to create authentic, informative, and downright hilarious, overwhelming, inspiring content for their fellows, deserves a lot of appreciation.
Blogging can really make a big change on the life of a Mom, of anyone actually. From being a hobby, it is now a passion for any person who simply loves to write.
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