I have been high with my work since Monday. But as the weekend is approaching, I can breathe and relax a little. I am looking forward again to weekend since we will have our company outing. Oh yes, that's our summer outing. Better late than never and the weather is still hot anyway.
Lately, I feel so so stress. Blame it to the weather and to the tons of report I need to do. Again, for the nth time, I feel that I am not doing my job as a mom rightly. How can I say this? Well, since I am so pressured and stress, I am easily get irritated and annoyed... I badly need a break but how, when and where?
On the lighter note, I think I need to share something about my little boy. So here's Matthew's photo overload.

He still loves cars and it's not too obvious right? We also observe that he's taking care of his cars now. He's not pulling off the tires or dividing his cars into two. There's a story behind that which I will tell you in another post.

He loves pencil and paper, as he so loves to write. Here are what he writes most of the times.

He don't need any pattern to write his name, the alphabet and the numbers. For his age, I think he writes well except that is S is baligtad, to which he will tell me I need a mirror to see it right. Silly boy! Haha!
Lastly, he's always ready to give you a smile kahit kakagising lang. He loves photo taking.

Those are just few things about Matthew now. I can say his behavior is improving. Though there are times he's still uncontrollable, I am glad he listens to what I am saying. I will tell him how I feel and why he's being punish when he did something wrong. I keep on telling him he is a good boy and all he needs to do is to control his self.
I know I don't need to worry, as sooner he will better understand what I am telling him. I will not rush or push him because there's a right time for everything.
So to the moms out there, we may have different children and way of raising and disciplining them. But one thing is for sure, at the end of the day it's still our great love for them that always prevails.