For this part of the world, it's undeniably summer. It is very hot at day and even at night. The heat index soar high at 51 C as recorded by PAGASA. But I like summer more than rainy days. Because during summer we can do a lot of activities like hitting the beach and travelling. Also, I like summer because it's also the school break. That means, no study nights for me and my son. Yipee!
For the other part of the world, it's spring time. Spring break like summer, is a pleasant time of the year to have fun activities with the family.
Here are 10 Spring Break Family Activities:
1. Picnic at the park
Spring let us enjoy outdoor activities like having picnic at the park. It's a simple yet quality activity that the whole family can enjoy.
2. Kite flying
Spring is kite flying season. This is because the wind is more dominant. So after having picnic, you can fly kites at the park.
3. Biking
After the cold weather, have a little fitness through biking. Biking with the whole family is a sure fun activity.
4. Swimming at the beach
Swimming, of course, is what the kids are waiting for. Before the summer come, it's a fun time to enjoy the not so hot rays of the sun at the beach. Swimming came in third spot as the most popular activity at a spring break survey conducted.
5. Visit farm or zoo
Spring is a perfect time to enjoy nature and wild life. So a tour at the farm or zoo is another great spring break family activity.
6. Home gardening
Spring is the best time to dig the soil, grow plants and flowers at your back yard. I am sure the kids will enjoy this activity of getting dirty fingers and watching a seed grow to plants.
7. Tree planting
Tree planting makes a fun activity for a cause. You get to enjoy the time with family while helping to save our mother nature.
8. See the cherry blossoms
Cherry blooms in spring time like many flowering plants. It happens once a year, so seeing the cherry blossoms is an enjoyable activity for the family.
9. Barbecue party
If you don't want to get out of your place, you can have a barbecue party at home. You can invite your friends and other relatives to make it more fun.
10. Plan a spring break vacation
Spring break allows you to plan a vacation or travel out of town. Just pack lightly and make sure that the chosen vacation place is child friendly.
Have a fun spring time there and summer time here!