As I have said before, we can actually earn money online. Many are earning money online more than what they used to earn from their regular job.
I create my blog for personal use only. But then through blog hopping, I have learned that I can make money online through blogging. To start a blog, it is very important to define your blog’s Niche or subject. Choose a subject that people are interested in and you know a lot about. Decide for your blog’s name. Make it simple, catchy and easy to spell.
After creating a blog, you need to blog on a daily routine. Connect with different bloggers, build network and fill up your blog rolls through link exchange. This will help you promote your blog and build rank to get more traffic.
Then, how to make money through blogging?
Advertising. This is the most common way your blog can earn money. You can either put a CPC or CPM Ad Networks in your post and side bars. Google Adsense is a CPC Ad that pays on a click basis. Google Adsense program basically allows you to select ads related with the content of your blog and pays you based on how many readers click on the ads. On the other hand, CPM Ad pays by the total number of impressions. You can use ContextWeb, Adify, Adbrite and the likes. You can also sell ad space directly to advertisers.
Sell Other’s Product. Another way is through affiliate program. This enables your blog to be a sales agent. Your blog will serve as the medium between the readers and online sites like By displaying their products, readers can click directly from your blog to Amazon to get more information about the product. If the reader buy and pay for that product, you get paid as well.
Accept Product Review. Mommy bloggers like me often accept products for review. Either you get paid for making a review or you get some good products. Many companies are reaching out with bloggers, especially mommy bloggers because most readers value what they are saying. In this case, always be careful in accepting product reviews. You need to really try and use the product for your own credibility.
Publish Paid Articles. You can also publish paid articles in your blog. There are blogging communities like BC Bloggers that you can join. They will help you connect with other bloggers and link with your blog. Link exchange will help you to build rank and to get more traffic for your blog. Advertisers are usually more interested with blog’s of higher page rank.
Online Selling. You can actually use your blog to sell your own products. Although some online seller still use other social networks to promote their blog.
Join Blog Giveaways. Since you develop network blog connections, you can join different blog giveaways. Actually, most blogs are giving away cash usually through Paypal, to promote their blogs. Joining is just easy and sometimes they require you to have a Facebook, Google+ and Twitter accounts to complete tasks.
I am a working mom and I really aim to have a home based work so I could stay at home. The possibility of making money through blogging is really great. But again, it cannot be done overnight. You need patience, knowledge and continuous exploration of the different possibilities and ways to earn money online.