Belated happy Hearts day! Sorry for not greeting you yesterday, busy lang po.
Remember what I have write a few days ago? Yesterday was our bestfriend's wedding. So we took a leave and off we went to Antipolo.
We woke early and left the house at around 6 in the morning. Hoping we will not catch the morning rush traffic. But still we encountered heavy traffic at Cubao and Ortigas areas. We reached Antipolo before 9 in the morning. The wedding ceremony started at 9 =)
By the way, we brought Matt with us. Daddy and I were contemplating to bring him because knowing Matt he really can't keep still for a long time. But there's always this guilt that won't let me leave him. Kasi naman this is just one of few days he can go out with us. So tiis ganda na lang ako sa pagpigil sa kanya. Thanks to my mini notebook and Tita Mare's pencil.
That kept him busy for awhile. But as you all know, toddlers has a short attention span so I already anticipated what he will do next. He sang with the music, tried to go down from his chair, picked up the plate and the utensils on the table, and kept on taking photos while saying "1,2 smile!" Kakaloka talaga, hehe...
When Matt started to be uncontrollable, I called the attention of Daddy A, who by the way is the official photographer that day, and asked him to talk to Matt. They went out of the place then came back with a well-behaved Matt. Thank God he listens to his Dad. It's not that he don't listen to me, it is just that maybe he thinks I can always tolerate his misbehavior. Not his Dad! Haha...
So back to the wedding, after almost an hour the ceremony ended. Only that time that we discovered that their relationship is just 94 days and they are engaged for just 13 days. Whew! But they both look so in love. See, we called this man a best friend but he still can keep a secret from us. Maybe he doesn't want to spoil the love. Haha!
We also discovered more things about them and I'll just kept it there na lang. What is important is that finally our best friend find the woman who will be his partner for life. So congratulations and best wishes, Mr. & Mrs. Calara.

After the wedding and the eating part, we decided to went home. Traffic na sa Ortigas that time and Matt fell asleep. At first, we plan to go to SM North or Trinoma but Daddy said baka maipit daw kami sa traffic if we will stay there until late afternoon. Syempre it's payday friday + Valentine's day pa. So we went to SM Marilao instead.
However, Matt doesn't want to play naman. I want to eat halo-halo but Matt doesn't want to sit and just want to make buhat. So we ended buying a Blizzard and went home. At home, we continued with our pending crochet MTO orders. And Daddy almost finished this Rapunzel hat.

He looked like a girl, so cute! Anyway, I cooked macaroni spaghetti for our dinner. My brother bought isaw and Daddy sliced cucumber with mayo.

This is how our day went yesterday. Daddy and I have no solo dinner (for almost 4 years now) because we chose to bring Matt with us. I received no material things that day, but my heart is so full with love. So to Daddy Allan, you may not be as romantic as others, but you being here always is more than enough. I can never find another man who can perfectly fit half my heart. I love you so much.

And of course, to the boy who changed our lives forever, Mommy will love you unconditionally forever. I cannot ask for more as you and Daddy Allan already make my life full of joy and love. You are the reason why, despite of all the stress and hardships in live, we keep on dreaming and making that dream come true. I may not become what I dream of 20 years ago, but I am proud to say that I become more that what I want my life to be. I love you so much anak.
Again, happy hearts day everyone. Let everyday be a Valentine :)
Enjoy your weekend and your family!