Monday, December 14, 2015

Matthew's First Spelling Bee Contest

A month ago we received this letter from Matthew's school director.

This is to inform us that Matthew was chosen to represent their school in the upcoming APRSIM Sporsfest, Academic and Cultural Competition. He will compete in the Spelling-Pre Elementary category. Last year, he already competed at this APRISM event in the singing contest - pre elementary category. It was his first singing event at the age of 4 and now he will compete again in the academics event naman.

We were not surprised for Matthew is really good in spelling. That's because he can write and read well, both in English and Filipino. But one thing I was not sure and that is how he will behave during the contest. Despite that, Daddy and I agreed to support Matthew especially that he's showing determination.

Matthew really likes to join the contest. If not naman, it's easy to say no. But like what I said, gustong gusto nya and he didn't complain when it's time to review. And one week before the event, he even sacrificed his afternoon nap just to go back to school and have a 30-minute review with his teacher. That's why on his contest day, which is a Friday, we went with him and show our full support.

He has two other classmates who will compete in Science and Mathematics naman. We went to the venue earlier because there's an opening program pa. After that, the Pre Elementary contestants were asked to line up in their respective contest category.

The contests were held in closed classroom and only the quiz masters and the proctors were allowed inside. All the parents and coaches were outside waiting. The contest does not started right away because there were some kids who doesn't want to be left alone inside the room. Also, the quiz master wanted the kids to feel like they are just inside a classroom having lessons. Matthew said, they made them play a little before they started.  A okay kaya pala, haha... That I will tell you later.

Super nakakakaba mag-antay. Feeling ko ang tagal, to think 20 items lang naman. When the time was up and the kids left the room one by one, para akong nabunutan ng tinik. For me, I didn't expect anything na  basta matapos na yun contest. Haha.

When I saw Matthew with his dusty face, hands and clothes (because of the chalk he used), I felt a relief. Then Daddy checked the result and based on the tally board he got 8 out of 20. He ranked 9th out of the 18th contestants from different private schools here in Marilao. Not bad!

Matthew's teacher was so happy because the two other boys also made to the top 10. The three of them will be awarded on stage daw kaya we need to wait for the announcement pa. Okay lang kahit super late na kami sa work, haha. The school director greeted Matthew and us also. May utang daw silang blowout. Actually, who would have thought that these three hyper boys can join the contest and made to the top 10 pa.

I like that the school didn't pressure the kids to win, but according to them they just want the students to enjoy this experience.

By the way, I wanted to go up stage but decided not to kasi naman super pawis na ko, hehe. Anyway, here's Matthew with his coach.

When Matthew flashed his killer smile the school director said, papogian na lang daw! Best in smile daw si Matthew, hehe.

Looking at this one, Matthew is one of the smallest. At the age of 5, he already joined two contests as compare to us before na at this age nasa bahay palang at naglalaro. Sometimes I am thinking, Matthew is not yet emotionally prepared to be in school especially when he's branded as makulit. But hey, even he's the youngest look how confident he is. In fact I didn't see any trace of nervousness in him. He is always playful and jolly.

Speaking of being playful, when the quiz master saw him, she said, "a ikaw yun batang makulit sa loob, napagod ako kakabuhat ng upuan mo." Kakaloka, sabi na nga e. We heard someone shouting inside. I told Daddy parang boses in Matthew, sya nga pala. So that explained why he didn't get the easy words like car, van and coffee. Inuna ang kulit. 

But that doesn't make me admire him any less. I know he has more to give. Congratulations anak! You never fail to make us proud. Daddy and I will always be here to support you. We love you so much!
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