We are on the second week of our homeschooling. So far, so good. Matt is cooperative if he loves our activity.
I decided to go on with the weekly lesson but I don't follow the days schedule anymore and shorten the time for the basic lessons (letter, shapes, colors). I will focus on reading and writing. So I incorporate sound of the week.
Homeschooling: Week 2 + Sound of the Week |
Also, I would like to thank Ms. Marie of Mommy Unwired and Project: Me, Only Better for the free resources she have sent me. I am over excited to try them. But I know I should take it slow to not overwhelm Matt. Hehe.
I have been very careful with this homeschooling as I might forget essential areas that also needs development. I am still reading about the multiple senses development and how can I incorporate it with our lessons. Honestly, I have so many ideas that are already twisted in my mind. Hehe.
So that's for now, tonight's lesson is about letter and number. Way to go!