Yesterday we had our annual QA Christmas Party. We just had our small party unlike the previous years.
Sorry, I had no opportunity to take photos that day since I am busy checking reports.
Anyway, this year we have no exchange gift because we have agreed to donate half of our funds to the Yolanda victim. We just chipped in a little more money to buy foods. We have fewer foods, still we have full stomach, and a full heart because of the good camaraderie that we have shared through the years.
Speaking of exchange gifts, Daddy and I already bought small gifts to our co-workers but failed to wrap them. That's why we didn't give them yet to everyone yesterday. Tomorrow we'll be working on gift wrapping so we can distribute them next week. I hope they will appreciate those small gifts Daddy and I have thoroughly think about for two months, haha. It's something that surely be useful for them.
On the other hand, we will still have our feedmill-wide Christmas party today. We will only have a short program and there will be no raffle. Actually, there are people who suggest to cancel the party and just donate the budget to the Yolanda victims. But since we and our company already gave donations, and our company still give us the budget for the party, everyone agreed to have a modest Christmas party. This is also for all the workers who only get the chance to attend such party once a year.
Oh well, another busy week is coming before we have our Christmas break, so enjoy your weekend everyone!
Oh well, another busy week is coming before we have our Christmas break, so enjoy your weekend everyone!